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Enterprise Level WordPress Hosting For Businesses

Top-tier, really really fast and secure managed WordPress hosting provided by FastCow. We'll handle the performance, security and speed while you focus on handling your business just as you know best.

True Edge to Managed WordPress Hosting

Handling hundreds of visitors a minute or expecting surges during peak periods for your online store? - We've put together the best possible packages to ensure your WordPress website remains online backed by the resources you really require.

Premium. Enterprise Level CDN Service

Keep your content always up to date with instant cache purging backed by real-time logs to gain complete visibility into your content and make simple and easy data driven decisions.

Learn more about's global CDN service

Best Security

Stay protected from any or all DDoS attacks with our state-of-the-art DDoS mitigation security which we have in place.

Real-Time Monitoring

Get the best out of our real-time monitoring, review full traffic insights and monitoring using our dashboard to make easy business decisions.

Tier-1 Premium Global Network

Take advantage of a global network across 123 PoPs. Be closer to your visitors where-ever they are globally - from Vancouver to Auckland, we have a PoP in place for you.

Automatically Setup - Always On

Connect easily and directly to your visitors by connecting to over 3000 ISPs and 14 different Tier 1 transit providers globally.

Automatically Setup - Always On

Take advantage of one of the fastest global networks in the world and push it to it's limits by delivering the best possible experience to your visitors everywhere and anywhere.

Free Redis Support

Without MySQL, there is no WordPress and sometimes things can get quite messy or even slow especially when your site is not optimised. FastCow now offers you Redis for free unlike our competitors who charge a hefty price monthly for a product which is open-sourced. See a big difference especially for busy sites who require database processes to be made faster.

Seamlessly Integrated

Sites such as e-commerce, membership sites, discussion boards, social networks and membership sites will get a great advantage of using Redis as a feature.

Built for WooCommerce

Having thousands of products or variants can sometimes take a toll on a website especially when it's not optimised, we can ensure you get the best out of your e-commerce store once we've migrated it across.

Choose the best
Enterprise Level WordPress Hosting Plan

FastCow vs Competitors

FastCow is hosted on top of premium cloud infrastructure which is located across multiple locations globally. Your website will be hosted in one of our cloud locations closest to you.

    Disk Type
    Global CDN
  • Kinsta
    Disk Type
    Global CDN
  • SiteGround
    Disk Type
    Global CDN
  • Hostinger
    Disk Type
    Global CDN
  • Cloudways
    Disk Type
    Global CDN
  • WPEngine
    Disk Type
    Global CDN







Disk Type









Global CDN




Switch to us for better  overall hosting experience

Switch to FastCow today to experience an over quality hosting experience from page speeds to customer service and so much more. The simple bit, it's stress free and not complicated at all.

Better Conversions

A slow website can leave you without customers, nobody likes to wait more than a few seconds these days. A faster website means quicker decisions made by your visitors and you can expect more orders in return.

Better Search Rankings

With a better-loading website, you can expect Google and other search engines love you. Search engines love a fast website and in turn you can expect better search rankings.

24x7X365 Tech Support

We are available day or night to assist you with as many queries as you may have, our managed hosting experts are available to help you with any questions you may have and are on stand by whenever you require us.

Unlike our Competitors - We provide email hosting!

Everything under-one roof, we provide email addresses at no extra charge to you and for your business. You can now create a new email ID on the go and get emailing today!

Top-Tier Professional Email Hosting Features

Friendly and Easy Management

We provide an easy to use control panel with a complete set of features for emails within our main control panel. You can easily add, remove, suspend e-mail accounts on the go including but not limited to email configurations and set mailbox sizes and much much more.

Auto Config

Our servers are preloaded with email configuration and setup for you to use IMAP, POP3 or SMTP by default. You can easily setup or configure your desktop or mobile devices to Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail easily.

Custom Email Functions

E-mail communications made easy and simple. Get constant emails outside of working hours or holidays - you can setup auto-replies to let clients or team mates know you are away or unavailable. Forward emails automatically to team members or enable catch-all on emails sent to a specific email ID.

Enterprise Email Security

Our servers support DKIM, DMARC and SPF to ensure we prevent malicious activities by any suspicious users. Overall, we have spam filters in place to monitor our outbound and inbound emails and protection against any viruses as such.

Delivery Logs

We provide you with a full email log, understand and monitor what goes in and out of them on a daily-basis. Get information about who accessed what and at what time and what actions were taken during them.

FastCow have been simply fasting since the first time we enquired about moving our website. We've ended up moving most of our customers websites to them now and for any new customers, we are directly on-boarding them directly. The level of service is beyond what I'm used too, everything is just done so fast!

Jake BilBoa

CEO, TweeLine Agency

Premium Support

Imagine us as part of your team, an extended team in your IT department who know everything about websites and hosting. We will handle all of your hosting requirements, support management and provide recommendations.

SSL Certificates

Every website that's hosted with us gets a free SSL license and is installed automatically.

Daily Backups

Full backups of your files, emails and databases and stored off-site for security.

Website Staging

Make edits, changes easily without disrupting your live website. You can then push it to live once you are happy!

True Performance, Enhanced Speed

FastCow is faster than you think. Simple.

Did you know, slow websites have a higher rate of abandonment rate compared to a website that loads fast? Improve all aspects of your business with just a overall faster websites including rankings!

FastCow Results

Actual TTFB Speed results from customers who migrated over to us recently.

Go with the Best Managed WordPress Hosting Provider

Get top-end performance, reliable 24/7 support, enhanced control panel and a truly premium service backed by unlimited migrations done by our in-house migration experts.

Stress-free Migrations

Are you now convinced and ready to move to FastCow? Our in-house migrations experts will handle all of your migration requirements and provide a clean transition over to us smoothly in a fast timely manner.

Once the migration has been completed, we will provide you with a temporary URL to view your website and once you are happy and satisfied you can go ahead and update the DNS records to us.

Sal and the team have been fantastic and very fast in assisting us when we required there assistance. Great hosting and tools!

Akshay Ruparelia

Identical Transfer

No broken links or images, we migrate what you have on your website currently. Once we've migrated you, a complete check is performed by us before we let you know.

Zero Downtime Transfer

As we move you over to our platform, please be assured your current site will not go down and will remain online through out.

Migrations with care

From updating your DNS to a complete checklist to ensure you've moved properly. You can ask our support team for any questions you may have during this period.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Enterprise Hosting?

Enterprise Hosting was born to cater websites, companies or businesses who required more power in ensuring they have no issues with there websites. A site who has constant level of traffic needs or requirements and basic hosting or servers that are provided can't handle the load.

Will FastCow be able to manage my WooCommerce website and the traffic behind it?

Yes. Our enterprise packages are built just for companies like you, the traffic and allowing us to be the perfect partner in helping you scale when there's even more visitors on the website! Our setup is what makes us different and have lots to offer you including our premium CDN service.

Do you really provide Redis for free?

Yes! Redis is provided for free and sadly other competitors have been charging a high fee for this. We don't and can help you get started using it with us today!

Is CDN included in my package?

All of our packages include a premium CDN service, we use and have partnered with them to bring you the best CDN service on the market.

How fast can you get us setup and migrated across in?

We can get things rolling pretty quicky, the time in migrating your website across to us depends on how many websites and how big they are - in general, we've done migrations within 30 minutes or a couple hours. All migrations are completed by our in-house migration specialists who migrated hundreds of WordPress websites on a weekly basis.

Can you provide me with a whitelabel service for my Agency?

Sure, you can use our custom nameservers or use your own custom nameservers when pointing your customer domain names over to our system, brand our control panel with your logo and colours too! We have roll-outs that are added as features on a monthly basis, so watch our control panel evolve in time!

Ready for speed?

Once you’re ready for a test, we’ll be waiting on chat! Let us do a FREE test migration for you so you can see the difference yourself on a temporary URL, without updating any domain settings!

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