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Scalable Managed WordPress Hosting for Bloggers

Our aim is to help you deliver the best content on the internet by providing you with a WordPress Hosting platform made for speed, reliability and made affordable. On top of our leading servers we utilise premium CDN services ensuring your website is as fast as possible.

Online Businesses, Top Bloggers and Agencies have chosen FastCow as their Managed WordPress host.

Join FastCow as hundreds of Bloggers have trusted us as their managed WordPress hosting partner.

Hosting WordPress as times can be difficult especially when your new to it, FastCow gives you all the tools and tips to help you get started.

FastCow was founded to provide a fully managed WordPress solution for blog owners around the globe. Our industry-leading infrastructure and tools provide your website not only speed but we also understand the importance of keeping it secure. You can be assured to be spending more time working on your blog and producing content while we manage the backend and ensure you are always online - never have to worry about site issues again.

Global Audience

With our partnership with an industry giant we have the best CDN on the market, you can expect great speeds globally.

Visitor Security

Your website will remain safe and secured at all times, never worry about security again.

24/7/365 Support

From getting you online to any issues you may see, our team are here every step of the way.

Fast Blogs are Loved by
Google on FastCow

Did you know Google loves websites that load fast and in turn you can expect better search engine rankings with Google and other search engines? Rank higher and get better rankings on Core Web Vitals when hosting with us.

Better Google Rankings

Better CTR's

Less Visitors leaving

Better Ad Revenue Results

Making Revenue from your website is only a step away

Who wants to wait for a website to load, it's 2024 and websites should load at their peak especially with all the technology in today's day and age. Use FastCow today and generate money easily with all major Ad revenue companies.

FastCow has been amazing, the day I discovered them till today I've been amazed. They've helped me through my lows and high's and have made me feel like a host really cares. I no longer have to worry about my blog anymore!

Thomasia Fuller

CEO, Thomasia Buildings & Crafts

Enterprise Security
Built In and Monitoring

Each blog hosted with FastCow is monitored, scanned and checked by our active industry-leading monitoring systems. You can expect us to keep an eye and let you enjoy building your blog while we handle every aspect of security.

Automatic Malware Scans

Automatic Malware Repair

2FA (Two Factor Auth)

Phishing Scanning

Website Containersation


Enhanced WordPress Management

Managing a WordPress blog sometimes can take a toll, especially when you have to manage the whole aspect of it being code, security and ensuring the website is optimised. It can be tough but that's when FastCow comes into play. Our team is located globally and all have a diverse range of skill sets, our 20+ years of knowledge in the hosting industry allows us to do better everyday - we carry the same ethos every day.

Auto Install WordPress

User Management

Multi-Installation Management

Single Sign-on (SSO)


Plugin Management

Auto Update Scheduler

Staging Websites

Finally, A Managed Host with E-mails!

Easily access emails on the go using our webmail system or connect to a desktop or mobile app for ease!

Leading E-mail Hosting Features

Spam Filtering

Our spam filters are in place to ensure you recieve zero to minimal level of spam e-mails, no body likes spam and we do our best to filter those for you. You can easily select the level of spam filter in place from low to high depending on how many you recieve on a daily basis!

Full IMAP/POP Access

Our e-mail services can be connected to support popular e-mail softwares on your mobile or desktop which then can be connected via IMAP or POP3. You can use softwares such as Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Gmail or Outlook with no issues and the same on your mobile phone.

Secure Webmail Access

If you dont have access to your phone or desktop and need to quickly access your emails or visit them securely, we provide you with a secure email webmail link so you can access your emails on the go! You can send, recieve or review emails on the go where ever you are without any hassle!

Email Messaging Security

Our platform is supported by DMARC, DKIM and SPF to ensure we prevent any or all malicious parties from abusing your emails. We also have partnered with top tier spam email filters on all inbound emails, inbound internally and viruses to keep you safe.

Monitor E-mails & Logs

Easily review and manage a list of emails from all e-mail accounts you manage, review any suspicious activities and get information from where they have been accessed from easily.

Unlimited Free 
Control Panel

Migrations can be tough, tricky and sometimes things can go wrong using a third-party plugin. Sometimes you may see that images are missing or even some files or database issues may arise. It's better and safer to let our migration specialists handle the whole process, we've been migrating hundreds of sites on a weekly basis and cross-check each and every single one.

Unlimited Migrations

All Files & Images

Database Migration

Emails Migration

Final Cross Check

Temp URL Provided

24/7 Leading 
WordPress Support

Day or night, our customers priority is our priority. Whatever the case, we are always available and ready to provide you an experience that you've not faced before in the hosting world.

Fast Response (Chat)

Need help over the phone? Sure

Website down? (We are on it!)

Questions? We've got the answers!

We don't sleep - ever

We are with you all the way for anything!

Stress-Free Migrations

Are you now convinced to move your blog or site to FastCow? Just like our reviews of previous happy customers, we'd take care of every aspect of your website and ensure an easy transfer without any downtime within hours.

Once the whole transfer has taken place, we will provide you with a temp URL to cross. Once you are happy and the sites live, we will proceed to going ahead and helping you optimising your site to get the best out of it for better performance.

I allowed the team to migrate my blog which has been complicated for me, the team did so perfectly and got every nitty gritty aspect of it correct. Friendly and patient - it's a dream to work with them!

Sana D Khan

The LHB Blog

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you migrate my WordPress blog across?

Yes! We can easily migrate across your WordPress blog across to FastCow with zero interruptions or hassle happily. We've migrated thousands of blogs and do so on a daily basis from all other providers and can easily do so for you too.

My Blog is slow, will you help me optimise my blog?

Ofcourse, we enhance and optimise every website that's hosted with us to get the best performance possible. Our underlying infrastructure has been designed to already out-perform our competitors in speed and reliability. As a managed WordPress Hosting provider, we go above and beyond to satisfy all of our customers and meet their expectations in all aspects including migrations.

Do you offer 24/7/365 support?

Each and every plan with FastCow comes with 24/7/365 support from our great WordPress and Hosting experts through our live chat, phone system or ticketing system. We provide a rapid response and aim to keep this up by hiring more staff to ensure we can handle every request in a matter of minutes than hours.

Is there a discount when paying annually?

Yes! We provide our customers who wish to pay upfront for the year with 2 months free for any packages that is paid in full annually. More discounts are available on larger terms.

What is your refund/cancellation policy?

We offer a full 30 days money back guarantee on all of our services except for domain names which are newly registered or transferred in. Our services can also be cancelled through our client area at any given time.

Do you offer e-mail services?

Yes! All of our services come with emails included which can be managed through our client control panel. Easily setup new e-mail accounts and make any changes you may require.

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