Connection timed out takes place when the web server does not gate a connection to a website within a periodic time. This can be caused due to many different factors causing the server to take too long to respond, due to which the loading time exceeds its limit and displays a connection timed out message on the screen showcasing that.
Being in today’s digital era every business whether it is a small business or a big business, every business has an online presence. Every business has an application, a website, or a social media handle. Not only businesses but freelancers also use websites as their basic connective platform to connect with potential clients and visitors, which is why knowing about why a connection error time out is relevant, important, and valuable. Therefore, developing an understanding of the causes and solutions of the problems is significant.
Connection timeout is frustrating and time wasting for users. Mostly users go back and forth in trying to check the connectivity, not knowing what the actual issue is and why their connection is timing out. Knowing the reason or cause behind the actual issue helps one in addressing the issue to its specification while assessing its reliability as a secure network in future instances. Moreover, system administrators should have complete knowledge about this as this is very important to any business selling online or to anyone who has an online presence.
In order to address or at first diagnose the issue cultivating an error connection timed out, it is very important to understand the causes that might have instigated the error.
Following is a list of causes that may reflect to inflicting an error to cause the connection to time out:
-Slow or unstable connection:
A low-speed calibrated internet connection can be a very prominent reason leading to error connection timed out as due to this the connection may not be capable of stability. Weak signals, problems with the service or a huge website rush, which the connection cannot withstand, can cause the response to dramatically slow down, because of which it could cause the connection to time out, showcasing an error message on the website screen. Some small operations might work but complex high load operations will cease to move any further.
-DNS (Domain name system) problems:
DNS resolution can also cause errors in response which results in a connection timed out. DNS is very significant, a problem with the DNS can result in disrupting the connection or a very time taking response which can be because of a slow or a misconfigured DNS server. These delays can also be caused because of an expired DNS cache or a problematic DNS settings structure. All these DNS causes can effectively result in an error connection timed out.
-Server overload and downtime:
Server is the main component of connectivity which gives users a gateway to websites and applications. A server which has a limited capability will cause quite a problem for connectivity. This is mainly caused by high user traffic which the server is not able to accommodate because of which the error may arise causing the connection to time out. Secondly, the server downtime is usually caused mostly due to issues like low power supply or hardware problems causing the website to collapse, and hence an error connection time out.
-Firewall configuration:
Some firewalls are encoded to block certain websites or applications because the server cannot initiate a connection to that specific website or application, resulting in an error connection timed out. These certain firewalls are mis-configured, interpreting specific website connections to be a threat to the website hence these mis-interpreted security measure’s cause a misconnection or an error connection timed out.
Browsers Cache and cookies can become a problem overtime. Browser cookies and data files are stored for a faster loading time and faster connectivity but after some time these files get expired and corrupt. Especially the larger files, they cause the most issues, instigating unknown responses. Outdated Cache version can cause trouble in getting the latest server version initiating an error connection timed out. Therefore, expired, and outdated data files can be contagious to server health, directly contributing to the error caused, resulting in the connection timed out.
-Multiple Connections to the Server
Some servers are limited to a certain capacity and can withhold a certain volume of connections. If the volume is exceeded to more than what the server is designed to withhold, it would cancel any new connection requests that may come forth or may cease to respond because of the extra load now it has to interpret, causing the error to occur and the connection to eventually fail. Big web profiles are usually faced with such problems because of the bulk traffic that comes their way causing the server too loose stability.
-Outdated operating system
Old browsers or operating systems can invade connectivity issues with new modern time websites or applications. An old version of an operating system might be slower and might not be compatible with the hardware and technicalities that the modern age website possesses. Modern websites have all the modern features, as the technology evolves, which the old operating system might not well integrate with, causing an error and hence a connection timed out.
-Proxy server
A proxy server is the link between the device and the internet connection. Mis configuration in the server especially when the distance is quite far it may render more issues than usual. Proxy servers come with their complexities any misinterpretations can cause a delayed response and an error connection timed out. Slow server and bulk customer simultaneous connections can also showcase the same result.
-Internet service provider restrictions:
Some internet service providers restrict connectivity to certain websites and applications because of certain reasons. Some of the reasons include legal implication’s due to which some websites might be blocked or display error connection timed out when trying to connect. Some explicit content policy directed to the provider's company’s reputation might disrupt access as well and initiate an error when trying to connect.
The causes that initiate error connection timed out have been discussed in quite length, all the significant factors that could result in the occurrence of the error causing connection timeout have been listed above and anyone of them can be the result of the loss of connection and connectivity to a certain website page or any sort of application. Henceforth, now we would come to the most important part, which is the solution to these causes, the solutions to the implications that might have caused the error connection timed out.
Following is step to step guide on how to solve the error connection timeout when a potential cause is displaced:
-Check Your Internet Connection
Internet connectivity should be reliably consistent; the internet connection steadiness is of utmost importance. To resolve any technical network issues try resetting the connection by switching it off and then on. A wired in connection can also be tried if that doesn’t solve it or else connecting to a different connection can be done to check if either the problem is still incurring or not. Other than this the user can try switching to mobile packet data instead of a WIFI connection.
-Restart Your Device
Glitches are common because of different users accessing different high bulk data on the internet. These minuet glitches are not any major errors as they often inflict time to time causing an interference to the connectivity and causing an error causing the connection timeout. A simple straightforward way to check if there is no major error is just by switching your computer, mobile, tablet or any such gadget off and restarting to access whatever application you were on if it’s only a glitch that was being experienced.
As explained earlier in old data files, the outdated cache data can really affect the browsers stability causing it to illustrate unpredictable responses because of which error connection timed out can definitely occur. Clearing out the outdated cache and cookies can help speed up server connectivity and often resolve the error causing the connection to timeout. The deletion of the old browser will help create space for fresh data.
In Google Chrome: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear browsing data.
In Firefox: Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data > Clear Data.
-Disable extensions
Some browser extensions can inflict errors causing the connection to timeout. Due to the wide range and variety of different extensions being used especially today there are quite good chances that some of those extensions instill viruses affecting the connection. To check if this might be the case it would be wise to turn the extensions off one by one and assess if the error stays or not. This is not a very common cause for error connection time out but it can be a cause and should be checked to ensure if it is or not.
-Switch browser
In some cases, a particular browser may be the issue that is causing the error connection time out and changing the browser might be the key to solving the problem. For example, switching from chrome to firefox may just solve the problem. You can just try opening the website on another browser and check if the website that you were trying to open on chrome, is it opening on fire-fox
when you’re entering the URL if yes then this would also conclude that the problem is only browser centric.
-Check DNS Settings
If DNS resolution is proving to be the problem, innovating, and improving your DNS setting can prevail as a solution. Various clients and users prefer public DNS servers for example Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS, which have the advantage of being more efficient and have the potential to be dependable as opposed to default DNS settings generated by internet service providers. Following are the methods to revolutionize DNS settings:
On Windows:
Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Right-click on your active connection and select Properties.
Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
Change the DNS server to (Google DNS) or (Cloudflare DNS).
On macOS:
Go to System Preferences > Network.
Select your active connection and click Advanced.
Go to the DNS tab and enter the new DNS server address

Just like the other outdated cache, DNS outdated cache or DNS cache which contains incorrect data can also cause err connection timeout and to resolve such an issue clearing out the cache can solve this. This would also cause it to comply with fresh information when it comes onto the website.
On Windows: Open the Command Prompt as Administrator and type ipconfig /flushdns.
On macOS: Open the Terminal and type sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder.
-Disable firewall
If the firewall is blocking the connection to a specific entry of a website or application you’re trying to pull up. You can try logging the firewall off or for a temporary time disabling it to see once you do it everything runs smooth and there are no other problems, but it should also be turned back on so that the system remains protected.
On Windows: Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
On macOS: Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall, and turn it off temporarily.

-Website status
In some cases, the website itself is the issue when the user might be thinking that the error might have occurred due to something else, but the website should be checked by others as well to ensure that the problem is not the website itself, as the website can be globally down or there might be particular problems faced by the specific website.
This can be checked by a tool for e.g., “Down for Everyone or Just Me"
https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/,this can check whether the site is the issue and then you would have to wait if it is.
-Timeout setting
Some browsers like Firefox have a lower timeout limit, because of the error connection times out. In order to cater to this browser’s configuration, files should be adjusted, and this can be done by
(network.http.response.timeout) setting.
- Can network crowding cause this error?
Yes, too much traffic can cause obstruction at that specific time. This mostly happens at peak hours, for e.g. When a big sale at a big brand is announced on the website people usually rush to the online store creating network congestion.
-Is this error common?
Yes, these errors are particularly common and can happen for a number of reasons as discussed above, but usually they occur for a short period of time, and you will be connected again to the website you were surfing on before you even know it.
-How to stop this from happening again?
There are multiple factors that should be looked onto to try preventing this from happening again but there are few things that hold utmost importance which include a steady internet connection, updated hardware, and servers as well as updated cache files.